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Detail of retinoblastoma (RB)
ncRNA name CBF1 shRNA
ncRNA Category shRNA
Disease name retinoblastoma (RB)
Species Homo sapiens
Tissues/Cell_line human RB cell line WERI-RB1 and Y79
Methods shRNA knockdown, qPCR, immunohistochemistry, CCK-8 assay, Ki67 incorporation assay, immunofluorescence, transwell assay, microarray
Expression pattern associated
Functional description Notch pathway is active in WERI-RB1 and Y79, and in most human retinoblastoma samples. Inhibition of the pathway by downregulating Jag2, DLL4 or CBF1 using short hairpin RNA, potently reduced growth, proliferation and clonogenicity in both lines.
PubMed ID 27661116
Year 2016
Title Targeting Notch signaling as a novel therapy for retinoblastoma.
Drug-related ncRNA NA

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